Friday, May 13, 2011

The Sixth Day

Today was quite possibly one of the weirdest days of my life, and definitely the weirdest day so far on the trip. The schedule said that we were going to be visiting the house of Pablo Neruda, but after an hour on the bus, we were told that the tour would not be until 5 o’clock, which meant that we had six hours before starting the tour. Essentially, we burned time for six straight hours. We visited a really creepy grave on a hilltop that was surrounded by fog and completely barren of both civilization and vegetation. We were all glad to be back on the bus after our brief visit. Then, after getting lost and randomly meandering in the Chilean countryside, we went to lunch in the port town of San Antonio. At least we thought that was where we were, but we weren’t really sure. The food was good, but once again we spend a large amount of time there because we were essentially killing time. After a brief visit to the world’s largest swimming pool, we finally made it to Neruda’s seaside home. He was a strange guy, and had large collections of really random novelties. The house itself was beautiful, however.
After leaving the house, we travelled through the thick fog back to the University and had our last dance class. We retuned to the hotel, and look forward to our free day tomorrow.

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